12 years ago I lost you
I didn't lose you because
I forgot you somewhere
I lost you because God
wanted his most prized possession back.
I can’t remember
everything about you as clearly as I want to
But I also cannot forget
Your face is engraved in my
Your picture on my dresser
A big house, empty.
Where your voice once was, silence
I was young, but I remember
They wanted to keep me
But when the ambulance
came, I saw
I knew…
Saving Private Ryan
“God, please don’t let my
oupa die”
Monday, September 20, 2000
at 07:30
No time for goodbyes
My denim dress at your
My confused thoughts
I wonder if you know who I
am and where I am
Are you looking down at me
with pride?
What advice would you give?
You were and still are my
greatest love
You were the first one to
break my heart into pieces
There will forever be a
gaping wound until we meet again in heaven
God spoiled me rotten by
giving me an angel like you
I pray he sends me a
husband as pure as you
I miss you more everyday granddad