Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Au Pair Diaries: The Experience

I've been getting a lot of emails lately from girls who want to be au pairs so I decided to dedicate a blog to them answering their questions.

So what is it really like being an au pair? Do you want me to be honest or do you want me to tell you what you want to hear? I prefer the truth.

This has been the best experience of my life. Yes there has been days where all I wanted to do was sit in a corner and cry, but then I think to myself  "You are in A-FREAKING-MERICA". The first three months were the best. Let's call it the "Honeymoon phase" because this is the phase where everyone (you included) put your best foot forward and everything is just so exciting and new and so much better than where you came from. But then you start getting used to everything and you find a friend from the same country as you and suddenly the country you came from is the best place on earth and America is lame and dumb because they don't have Milo and Biltong.

There have been days when I just curled up and cried until it felt like my eyes where going to pop out. There have been days when I've yelled unnecessary and cried some more and got mad. I've called my mom at 01:30am CAT and cried telling her I want to come home because I don't think my family likes me because I was being over sensitive that day.  Your time in America will be determined by YOUR attitude. That was probably the most important thing an au pair friend of mine told me.

I have traveled more in the past 18months than I ever traveled in South Africa. I've been to NYC a couple of times, I've been to New Jersey, Ohio, California, Florida and I am currently planning a road trip on the west coast. If you don't like traveling then come anyway to experience freedom. Americans are so comfortable and  in some areas they are so safe. I don't lock my car, in fact you can go outside to the car right now and find the keys inside. Guess what?? It will still be there tomorrow.

As a person I've grown so much. I used to rely on other people. I needed other people's approval. Now I am an independent strong woman. I promise you the person you are today will not return to South Africa or where ever you are from. Do I still love to head bang and be silly? Of course I do, but I am so much more in control of my life I'm so much more responsible. I trust my own judgement and other people do to. They kind of have to since I have their kids most of the day ;)

I got really lucky when I chose my host family. I love them like my family and I know they love me too. The most important thing I've learned is to not keep everything inside. Talk. I think that is why our relationship is so good. If my family makes me mad I tell them, or if I'm worried or I feel sad we talk about it. If I make them upset about something they come and tell me. Communication is key people!!! lol

So there you go. That is the experience. I can't guarantee you that you will have an awesome family like mine, but if you don't you can always rematch. Don't give up just because one family let you down!

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