Monday, August 29, 2011

Absolute MADNESS

Last week can only be described as madness! It started out as a normal week. The sun was shinning and the wind blowing. My host dad Mark had family in town and that was the only part of the week that was different. That was until Tuesday when a 5.9 earthquake hit the East coast. Where was I when the earthquake hit? Well, I was in the car admiring my latest pedicure and didn't feel a thing. I picked up a very freaked out Sidney and thought she was joking. That was until I got back on the parkway and the traffic was crazy. We got home and turned the news on. People were talking about how they thought the world was going to end. How they saw the Washington monument move and heard something fall on the inside. So maybe this was really an odd thing to happen this side of the States but I wasn't part of the "Quake club".

So while everyone was talking about how the world was ending, I was talking about how nice my toes would look in heaven if the world was to end. That night at 1am we had an after shock of 4.8 and I was in! I had just finished skyping with Louis, my friend in Canada, when everything started shaking. I know it wasn't a massive quake and that there wasn't to much damage, but the fact that everything starts shaking and you don't know why, makes your heart beat faster all of a sudden. Oh and the Washington monument has a crack in it!

Mother nature was clearly pissed off because then we heard Irene was coming to town.

My favorite weatherman Doug informed us that Irene was on her way and that she was a big category 4 storm. She left Puerto Rico and parts of the Bahamas with damage and was now on her way to North Carolina. They immediately declared a state of emergency in most of the states on the East coast. When she hit North Carolina on Saturday morning she had settled down to a category 1 storm but winds were still a good 80mph. I watched the weather channel in amazement as weather reporters stood on the beaches of the outer banks barely being able to stand. You could barely see then. Trees where coming down and roofs where being damaged. Still there were people out driving! And ofcourse the naked man looking for his 30seconds running through the screenshot. The storm hit here about 6pm with strong winds and heavy rain. We waited for the power to go out since over 1million people were without power. This Tropical storm took our power just after midnight but it wasn't out for long. What worried me was that my favorite place in the world, New York City, was said to get hit hard because Irene had gained strenght. Luckily it didn't hit them to hard. Parts of New Jersey got flooded and in upper New York state people were swimming in parking lots (no jokes they had bathing suits on)

This past week was weird and crazy. In South Africa things like this doesn't happen and even though these were mini storms and quakes compared to others I still felt pretty awesome having experienced them. I am glad they didn't do to much damage in our area but I pray for the states that got hit very hard.

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